Around here, “New Year New Me” means that we are going to be injecting A LOT more personality into our social media feed, blog posts, and videos in 2024. Why? We strongly believe that real estate is a people business, and we hope you like us as people so that when the time comes, you will trust us as your Realtors. If we aren’t your cup of tea (or in this house- double espresso with raw sugar, please) that’s ok. We aren’t for everyone. If you are looking for slick, polished, wheeler-dealer salespeople… you’re gonna want to just keep on scrolling. That’s not our vibe. Here’s what we are- a husband and wife real estate team who have been selling houses together for over 20 years. We are the parents of a vibrant, active, fun-loving, almost 10-year-old named Dominic, who we are constantly reminding not to refer to us as “Bruh,” and Scout, a very pretty but not so smart 3-year-old Goldendoodle. We live in Carlsbad and work out of the Compass office in Encinitas, conveniently located so we can take quick coffee break walks to Better Buzz or grab takeaway sandwiches from Prager Brothers. If you can’t tell, we are VERY big on staying and shopping local, love promoting other North County small businesses, and generally think this is the best place in the world for us to live and raise our family.
Oh, and we’re super extroverts who love meeting new people, especially our fellow North County neighbors. So please say “Hi!” whether it’s online, via email or text, or if we run into each other at the beach or waiting for a plate of killer fish tacos. We won’t go all Mr. and Mrs. Real Estate on you. Promise… Bruh
Thanks for reading-
Graham and Kelly Levine